Our Principles We are a minarchist party who believe in low taxation, scaling back of government overreach, and personal freedom without the excessive level of cctv that we are subjected to. Join Now Lower Taxation We cannot idly sit by, allowing the government to spend more and more of, not just our money, but our children’s money! 01. Individual Freedom Individual Freedom to choose whether or not to take innovative drugs for new diseases and viruses. 02. Non-intervention in Foreign Wars Let the UK forces be for Defence. We do not have to “project” power across the globe. 03. Work towards a Small State We are minarchists, not anarchists, so do accept the need for some government. However, government should be to keep us safe, not run our lives. 31st August 2024 Election of the National Coordinating Committee Nominations to be submitted by August 31st, 2024Voting opens 1st September 2024 and Closes 30 September 2024.Results revealed at the Party Conference on October 5th – details to follow. more info Don't Miss Out! JOIN NOW Reclaim Your Freedom with the Libertarian Party. Join Libertarian Party Today